YouTube Reacts to Death of Kim Jong Il, as World Mourns Death of Punchline

As Kim Jong Il’s death permeates the public consicouness, expect public displays of exceptional cheesyiness for at least the next month out of North Korea. And public upheaval. Lots of political upheaval.

The response of my fellow foreign policy nerds? TAKE TO THE INTERNET, BRETHREN.

I am accepting educated guesses (or total guesses) vis a vis when Kim Jong Il actually died. Considering the North Korean’s penchant for big and orchestrated announcements of the death of leaders, I suspect the Dear Leader has been on ice for at least a week, perhaps longer. I await news of plans for the embalming with bated breath. (Does anyone do that anymore? We’ll find out soon.)

I will add that the number of tribute videos to the Dear Leader on Youtube – some set to “I’ll Be Watching You” – is already truly impressive. One of the era’s finest punchlines has died.

Some  maintain Kim Jong Il in fact died of roneriness.

There are also some concerns that he in fact passed following complications from a rap battle with Hulk Hogan.